To celebrate the 5th anniversary of The Duchess of Grant Park short film, Studio Vosges and Her Grace herself are marking this milestone with a special release. Since the film's debut, The Duchess of Grant Park has transcended the screen, becoming a real-world advocate for queer rights, trans visibility, and LGBTQ+ issues throughout the Southeastern United States.

Her Grace has graced numerous events and causes with her presence, from lending her voice to championing equality to bringing the sparkle of her tiara to Out on Film and beyond.

In honor of this journey, for the entire month of September, The Duchess of Grant Park short film will be available to stream for free, allowing everyone to revisit or discover the magic and message that started it all.

And don't miss the chance to join us at Out on Film, running from September 26th to October 6th, which features free panels and workshops, as well as the world premiere of Studio Vosges' latest short film, Queer Dystopian Short, on October 3rd at 7 PM.

Her Grace, the Duchess of Grant Park, cordially invites you to join her for the world premiere of her latest short film, co-directed with the esteemed Ducex of West Atlanta, Iona Leighton. This distinguished event will take place during the Out on Film Festival, as part of the local shorts block, and Her Grace extends this invitation to all who wish to celebrate and support the artistry of local filmmakers.

Alongside Queer Dystopian Short, the evening’s program will include the world premiere of Order for Ben (dirs. Kristina Arjona, Adam Plant), the regional premiere of 9 Lives (dir: Millie Rose Evans), the Georgia premieres of All These Leftovers (dir: K. Parker) and Take Note (dir: Ciera Thompson), and the regional premiere of The Answers (dir: Delaney O’Neal).

An Invitation to a World Premiere

For over 35 years, Out on Film has stood as Atlanta’s preeminent LGBTQ Film Festival, dedicated to informing, entertaining, educating, and enriching LGBTQ culture. Her Grace invites you to partake in this cultural celebration on the 3rd of October and throughout the festival, which will be held from September 26th through October 6th, both in person and virtually.

Furthermore, for the first time in its illustrious history, Out on Film will offer complimentary panels and workshops from September 30th to October 3rd. These sessions will address the unique challenges faced by queer filmmakers and will provide insights from experienced voices within the community. Her Grace looks forward to your presence at this significant occasion.

From the desk of Her Grace, Ava, Duchess of Grant Park

To the Royal Prismatic Queerdom of Vosges,

My fellow Queers,

It is I, your devoted Duchess, returning once more with a passion to serve as your representative. Despite the non-elective nature of this position, I embark on this campaign with a resolute commitment to championing the cause of queer rights.

As we delve into matters close to home, we must also confront the challenges looming over our community. The past four years have witnessed a destabilizing force, chipping away at the rights of many within the queer community. It is disheartening that, with each election cycle, we are reminded that our rights are not guaranteed but must be continually asserted. This perpetual need to advocate is undeniably unjust and burdensome.

The upcoming 2024 presidential race is poised to be a critical juncture for LGBTQ+ rights. The surge in anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, coupled with hostile rhetoric and targeted attacks, underscores the urgency of ensuring that presidential candidates unequivocally support our cause (source:

Regrettably, our lives and freedoms are not entirely within our control but subject to the fluctuating sentiments of a nation, some of whom oppose us. The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness should be ours without question. We deserve the autonomy to lead our lives, establish families, and build communities without compromising our safety. Access to medical care and fair treatment is a basic right we demand.

This summer, as your Duchess, I embark on a campaign focused on these critical issues. Acknowledging that solutions may extend beyond the next four or even eight years, I recognize the groundwork laid by many dedicated individuals. While expressing gratitude for their efforts, it is evident that much work remains to secure housing, healthcare, employment, and food for all.

I envision a future where we establish a sovereign wealth fund, sustained by the export of our community's greatest asset — our creativity. Our creators contributing to a fund that serves the queer communities in the American South, with the potential to extend support to our siblings worldwide.

Together, let us strive for a future where the rights we seek are not only acknowledged but firmly established, and our community thrives unencumbered by the barriers of the past.

I serve at the leisure of you all.



As your Duchess,

Queer youth will always have a friend, ally, and advocate in the Duchess. That is my coronation vow to you.

Friends of the Duchess